
Scribble It! free instals
Scribble It! free instals

Scribble It! free instals

Please, in the next update, reduce ad amount If you got this far in the review thank you for listening to me complain about this game’s ad time for so long. PLEASE I M BEGGING YOU, reduce the amount of ads. Some sucker is going to download this game any minute and decide to click on every optional ad that comes up.( no offense if you do this).

Scribble It! free instals

Honestly us human beings will eventually click on an ad to get more stuff in your game. I could argue that you spend 50% of your time on this game watching ads. YOU GET AN OPTION!!!!!! It gets really annoying and makes you want to delete the game if there is going to be and ad before, after and tomorrow if you know what I mean. Maybe just put up ads to get more stuff or something or make some ( meaning most) of the ads optional like the ones at the end of a level that offer you to watch an ad to get 2x the loot reward. WHY THE ADS!!!!!!! I mean, I get that this game has to make money somehow but I think if you reduced the amount of ads you’d still be making plenty of money.

Scribble It! free instals

My big issue though is the amount of ads. The idea of drawing your shape of wheels is very fun. It’s good for just being lazy and playing around on your device. This game in general is fun, entertaining and simple.

Scribble It! free instals